donut.c without float types

I found a funcy c program.

Even the source code is in the shape of a donut, which is very cool.

It doesn't use a math library to be used on embedded device, but still uses float types (I'm sorry, already there was a version that is bottom of the page.). In my PC "IchigoJam", it doesn't have any float instructions.

                           int s(int d){static
                      const unsigned char tbl[]={3,8,
    ,255,255,255,255};int pm=1;if(d<0){d*=-1;pm*=-1;}d%=360;if(180<d)pm
   *=-1;if(180<=d)d-=180;if(90<d)d=180-d;return d?(tbl[d-1]+1)*pm:0;}int
  v(long long a,long long b)                   {int aL=*(int*)((void*)&a+
  4);int bL=*(int*)((void*)                     &b+4);int bR=*(int*)((void
 *)&b+0);return bL?aL/bL:                          aL*(0xffffffff/bR);}int
main(){const int W=80;                             const int H=22;int k,A=
0,B=0,i,j,z[W*H];char b                             [W*H];printf("\x1b[2J");
while(1){memset(b,32,                                 sizeof(b));memset(z,0,
sizeof(z));for(j=0;j<360                            ;j+=4){for(i=0;i<360;i+=
1){int c=s(i),d=s(j+90)                              ,e=s(A),f=s(j),g=s(A+90
),l=s(i+90),m=s(B+90)                               ,n=s(B);int h=d*1000/256
+2000;int D=v(65536000000                         ,(c*h*e+f*g*1000+327680000
 ));int t=(c*h*g-f*e*1000)                       /0x10000;int x=v(32768LL*
  1000000*W+30LL*D*(l*h*m-t                    *n*256),65536000000);int
    y=v(32768000000*H+15LL*D*                (l*h*n+t*m*256),6553600LL*
     10000);int o=W*y+x;int N=v(8LL*((256LL*f*e-1LL*c*d*g)*m-256LL*c*
          ('\n'+" donut.c! \x1b[H");for(k=0;W*H+1>k;k++){putchar
                 math lib needed @a1k0n 2021. && no float
                         needed @yrm 2021. enjoy with
                              a hot coffee*/

So I made a version that without float types. Please accept a bit clunky shapes. ;)

It finally worked!

And the original version is fast!

Thank you funcy program @a1k0n.